What I Wore Today 2.24.10
Originally uploaded by M.Allyn.Chapman
After work I made some ravioli for Nicole & myself. I'm starting to realize as i draw myself..i really only have cloths from about 4 stores, but i like what i have so its all good.
After work I made some ravioli for Nicole & myself. I'm starting to realize as i draw myself..i really only have cloths from about 4 stores, but i like what i have so its all good.
Today was a work day, hence the name tag. We finally have the Nook in for sale at our store and I sold one right before leaving today, so it found it's way into my drawing.
Day 3 of 3 in my long weekend from work, Nicole and I went to Old Navy & found some cloths for or Disney World vacation. We also went to Barnes & Noble and found some cool things.
For my my second day in a row, i had off, so again, i relaxed, this time with my cat- named Catt, his markings on his feet make it look like he has a sock with a hole in it (not shown)
So i had the day off, I spent it in my house, in comfortable cloths that i may have woke up in.. its a day off after all.
Nicole did one today and it inspired me to also give it a shot. it was pretty fun, ill be doing it again.